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thats really good i loved it




i cant get past the webed sign room

The project has stopped devellopement !

It’s only a demo. Maybe some day I’ll continue it, but it’ll change drastically.

Deleted 362 days ago

The project has stopped devellopement !

It’s only a demo. Maybe some day I’ll continue it, but it’ll change drastically.

Is this still being worked on?

The project has stopped devellopement !

It’s only a demo. Maybe some day I’ll continue it, but it’ll change drastically.

Es bastante buena esta idea de fangame, espero que algun dia lo terminen

mas serio depois eu vou mudar o nome do meu canal do youtube e vou postar mais video



(3 edits)

olha eu sou do brasil se vc não entendeu o meu comentario e problema seu. mas se vc me de uma mamadeira de presente eu te falo o proprozito do meu comentario. eu aseito link de dawlode de jogo tanbem e links de sites para dezenhar. se vc leu ate aqui saiba que eu tenho 5 anos.

Isso me fez rir ^^

oi eu li seu comentario desculpa a demora mas obriguado pelo comentario

eu jogo roblox se vc quiser mandar robux o meu nick e:noob_17787


Nice google translate

when i try to pass the door from the room that says "The web is all around the text" it just stay in a loop.


It's beacause the game is still in devellopement, I just make some "test" rooms

Gonna bring it back soon !


Same thing 


when i enter the door that leads out of the second room in the ruins, it just leads me right back to the second room